Why Is Saving Paused On Canva? 5 Ways To Fix
Many users of Canva frequently encounter these issues with freezing and crashing, so they have probably already had a few of those experiences. Don’t worry, we are here to help you solve this problem.
The ability to save their designs has also become more and more problematic for them. Verify your internet connection is steady if your Canva images are pausing to save. Close all open internet tabs after that, sign out of Canva, and then sign back in after a short while. For more details, please keep reading.
Why Does Saving On Canva Keep Pausing?
The ability of the browser is typically down if you are unable to save your sketch or design and the editor is locked. This implies that a technical issue affecting your browser or web settings exists.
The File Size’s Too Large
It’s understandable that you might be tempted to use each element, image, or video in Canva’s extensive library on your designs. And before you know it, you’re putting too many graphics in. Additionally, you’ve written more than thirty pages on that specific project.
Even though it’s a good idea to group all of your projects into one file, few experts advise it. Canva is a web-based graphic design tool, for starters. Being web-based is certainly handy for storage, but it can have a disastrous impact on your download requests.
After all, when you open that specific design, Canva is compelled to load all thirty pages. It is to be expected that your pages will take a while to load once they are heavily loaded with graphics, and they may even crash.
Therefore, it’s always a good idea to stay within Canva’s 30-page limit to prevent running into download problems.
Internet Connection Issues

There are times when your internet connection acts up, wreaking havoc even on the most basic functions like downloading Canva designs. With this issue in mind, you can try to do a speed test using Fast.com to check your internet speed.
Browser Issues
Now, if your internet is operating at maximum speed but you are still unable to download even one page from Canva, you need to look into your browser. Given that Canva is a web-based tool, its codes ought to work in all browsers. This is due to the various types of engines that browsers use to execute website codes.
Additionally, that specific page won’t function properly if the browser’s engine cannot properly decipher the code from the mentioned website.
Server Maintenance
If you’ve tried the suggestions above and are still unable to download, check to see if their servers are down for maintenance. Canva uses the cloud system to store all of the designs, so the tech support team will conduct periodic maintenance checks.
Additionally, it is anticipated that the technical team will briefly shut down the server while maintenance is being performed. If they are continually distracted by saving and retrieving tasks, how can they continue with the system-wide maintenance?
How To Save On Canva?
If Canva displays a download error message, it may be because the file is too big to download. It could also be a problem with your browser’s settings or with your internet connection. It might also indicate that Canva has a technical problem that needs to be resolved.
Check Your Internet Connection

A bad internet connection is one of the main causes of Canva save problems. Although your internet may still be up and running, it may have experienced a hiccup while you were saving your design or it may have become overloaded due to all the other devices and tabs utilizing your bandwidth.
You wouldn’t have looked for this article if your internet went completely out. Heck, you wouldn’t have been able to, and you would be clear as to why your Canva designs suddenly stopped saving.
Because I have too many things going on at once, whenever I experience save problems with my internet, it is usually because of this. This can happen in three ways:
- In your home, there are too many devices competing for bandwidth. Netflix, video conferences, uploading, saving, and more.
- The number of open internet tabs is excessive. Several YouTube videos, a website with video ads, ten other tabs you intended to open later, and more.
- The number of pages in one Canva design is too high. 30 pages that all have a lot of design elements.
Your internet needs to be calmed down as the first step in resolving a Canva save problem. Close any open internet tabs, stop using streaming services you don’t need, and ask your spouse to end the video call they are having with their boss (maybe not that).
Canva is a web-based program, so if your internet is having problems, it will be affected.
Streaming services should be disabled and internet tabs should be closed; however, let’s talk about using too many Canva pages in a single design.
Limit The Number Of Pages In One Canva Design
You are currently able to have up to 30 pages in one design with Canva. It might not be difficult to reach 30 pages if you’re writing a book, brochure, or collection of social media graphics.
Canva typically does a great job of handling this. If it frequently crashed, they wouldn’t permit 30 pages per design.

Having said that, you should be cautious about including too many pages in your design if your Canva creations have numerous elements, images, or text boxes.
You make the application load all 30 pages, along with all of their elements, images, and texts, every time you open your design. Depending on your design preferences, it may be A LOT.
It will take a long time to load and may cause loading and saving problems if every page is design-heavy.
Give Canva A Rest
If you’re anything like me, it can be difficult to let go of a failing endeavor. I have to work frantically until I either lose it because of frustration or until I finally fix it. Naturally, this isn’t the best course of action.
You may occasionally need to take a brief break from Canva. Close the application and return to it in a few hours if you’re not in a rush. If you do need to save your design quickly, try to step away even for a few minutes.
Close your internet browser and log out of your Canva account. Before starting everything up again, wait a while.
You can solve your issue by giving Canva, your internet, and your computer some time to cool down.
Check For Canva Website Issues
If you’ve tried every suggestion we’ve given and you’re still having trouble saving your Canva designs, Canva itself may be at fault. Fortunately, determining whether the website has crashed isn’t particularly difficult. It will be the topic of a LOT of conversation.
See if any posts about other users having the same problems have been made on Canva’s social media channels. Ascertain whether the website has crashed by checking Downdetector.
My experience has been that Canva responds fairly quickly to website issues. Considering this, you might need to wait until everything is operational again. They frequently respond on Facebook, so take a look at what they have to say about how long the problem will last and make your plans in light of it.

Submit A Problem Report To Canva
You should occasionally merely request assistance. If your saving problems still don’t seem to be resolved, let Canva know by filing a problem report so they can investigate further.
How Do You Manage Multi-page Designs?
Try saving the pages one at a time if you’re trying to save a multi-page design. Download each page separately if the PDF for this design needs to be one continuous document, and then piece it together using a program like PDF Escape.
How Do You Manage Single Designs?
Copy and paste all of a design’s elements into a new Canva file if you only need to save one. To copy and paste in Canva, just follow these steps:
- Open a new Canva design file to the appropriate size
- Go back to the design you want to copy and move your cursor all over it. A complete list of the components should be provided.
- Hit “Command” and “C”
- Navigate to your new file and hit “Command” and “V”
- Before deselecting your design elements, reposition them as needed
- Close out your old design file so that it’s not stressing your internet system
You’ll aid the system in processing your saves if you only have 1 Canva file open that contains 1 design.
What To Do If Canva Crashes?
Check the Canva app’s settings to make sure the most recent version is installed, whether or not your phone or iPad is set to perform automatic updates.
You might encounter bugs and hiccups if you’re using an older version of the app.
Follow these easy steps to stop Canva from crashing:

- Make sure your internet is working
- Close every other internet tab aside from Canva
- Close any apps that are running on your computer or phone
- Refresh the Canva webpage
- If you have multiple designs open, close the ones you aren’t using
- Limit the number of pages you use per design when possible
- Close everything and turn off your computer or phone for a few minutes
Finally, it’s possible that tainted cookies and caches are to blame. Try deleting the cache and cookies from your browser to rule this out.
For the History tab to appear on your computer, press CTRL + H on the keyboard. Next, select Clear Browsing Data.
To free it up on your phone, simply clear all caches and browsing history.
How Do I Fix Canva Error?
There are a few things you can do to try and fix an error if you’re having trouble accessing Canva. Try refreshing the page first. If that doesn’t work, try deleting the cache and cookies on your browser.
How Do I Change Resolution In Canva?
In Canva, you can adjust the resolution in a few different ways: 1. Then, choose Custom Dimensions under the Home tab. 2. Choose the width and height you want, then click Change.
How Do I Disable The Canva Guidelines?
You might be surprised to learn that there is a way to disable the default guidelines that show up on every new design if you use Canva for work. You can make a more organized and unobtrusive workspace by disabling the guidelines.
Why My Canva is Not Working?
Check your internet connection if Canva is still acting improperly. Due to the fact that you selected the fastest plan available, you might not want to put the blame on your internet connection at this point.
Can You Save Multiple Images on Canva?
Click “Upload Media,” then choose a device to which you want to send the pictures from your computer.
You can also choose to upload pictures using Dropbox or Google Drive as an alternative. Here are some methods for saving and downloading images from Canva.
What to Do If Nothing Works on Canva for Saving Changes?
If you are still unable to save changes on Canva, try doing the following:
- Try restarting your browser and deleting your cookies and cache
- The accumulation of cookies can occasionally become problematic.
- You might be locked out of other websites if you do this.
A loading or saving error is likely the result of the system being overloaded and needing time to catch up if the internet connection is functioning properly. However, Canva’s support staff is on hand if you find yourself in a real jam. If you’re having problems saving that you can’t solve on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help.