What Time Does Save A Lot Close?
You’ve come to the right place if you need information about Save A Lot hours or are unsure of their utility.
Save A Lot stores are open between 7:00 am and 8:00 am, depending on the location. However, Monday through Sunday, the majority of stores open at 8:00 am. For further information about their store hours, pay a visit to local stores or call the main number.
For more information, please continue reading.
Save a Lot Opening Hours
Even though the above hours are typically the norm, they may change depending on the location, but they are typically open from Monday to Sunday at 8:00 AM.
Save a Lot Closing Hours
Around 10:00 a.m., The Save A Lot typically closes. Nevertheless, Saturdays and Sundays are not excluded from the applicability of any of these times. In between these hours, you should go there.
Save a Lot Weekend Hours
One of the most enjoyable things you can do on the weekend is to visit a Save A Lot location. The products at Save A Lot are without a doubt the most magnificent and excellent ever. The operating hours are the same as on workdays, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Save a Lot Saturday Hours
The hours Save A Lot might be open are 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. They typically keep their busiest stores open for 12 hours on Saturdays. There are times available for scheduling your visit.
Save a Lot Sunday Hours
Similar to other days of the week, Sundays at The Save A Lot are open. Only on Sundays from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM are they open.

Which Holidays Does Save a Lot Stay Open?
While many Save A Lot locations keep the same holiday hours, some may change depending on the location. One can presume they will be open during regular business hours if there is no posting of a holiday schedule. Monday through Sunday, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The stores usually are up and running during the following holidays:
- New Year’s Eve & Day
- Valentine’s Day
- King, Martin Luther Jr. Day (MLK Day)
- Mardi Gras
- Cinco de Mayo
- Mother’s & Father’s Days
- Easter Sunday & Monday
- Halloween
- 4th of July (Independence Day)
- Good & Black Fridays
- Columbus Day
- Presidents Day
- The Days Before & Christmas Day
- Veterans Day
- Memorial Day
- St. Patty’s Day
Save a Lot Christmas Hours
Due to the national holiday, Save A Lot is unable to provide any availability to its customers at this time. Even though Save A Lot will be closed on Christmas Day, it entails sharing this special evening with many people from various locations.
Save a Lot New Year’s Hours
Instead of closing on New Year’s Day, Save A Lot will be open as usual. As a result, you could get in touch with them if you needed something from them or if you wanted to stop by.
Save a Lot Thanksgiving Hours
Thanksgiving is also a sort of federal holiday, but Save A Lot is open as usual every day of the week, including on holidays. If necessary, you can go there.
The Save A Lot operating times mentioned above are subject to change at any time. It’s best to inquire with the Store Locator for more information about one specific store. By doing this, you’ll avoid the hassle of showing up too early or after they’ve closed for the day.
By reading the material above, you can find out a lot about Save A Lot’s calendar and holidays, as well as information about their official social media accounts and other things.
Further Reading: