How Should Clothes Be Folded To Save Space?
Wrinkled clothing, disorganized storage, and improperly folded laundry can all be the result of improper folding. After folding your shirts, pants, sweaters, or socks in neat, little bundles, try standing them up or “filing” them vertically in drawers or storage boxes. Please continue reading as we outline six straightforward ways to fold clothing to maximize space.
The most effective way to fold T-shirts has been discovered by scientists. The technique was described by robotics engineers at the University of California Berkeley who participated in a study that programmed robots to fold clothes in the most space-efficient manner.
- Fold one arm in at the armpit seam while the T-shirt is lying flat on a surface.
- Fold the shirt’s length in the direction of the center on the same side.
- On the other side, repeat step 1 as before.
- Step 2 should be repeated on the other side. Now your shirt should look like a rectangle.
- Bring the bottom of the folded shirt up to the top to halve its size.
- Place your small T-shirt square on a shelf or in a drawer after smoothing it out.
Start folding T-shirts with printed logos or patterns (like concert tees) from the printed side downward. It will be simpler to find a specific T-shirt without having to unfold them all because once folded, the design will be facing up.
Dress Shirts
Even though you might be tempted to hang dress shirts, folding them so they can be kept in neat drawers not only saves valuable closet space but also keeps them wrinkle-free. The latter is a huge benefit if you detest using the ironing board.
Before folding, make sure to button every button from top to bottom. By doing this, a tidy, wrinkle-free fold will be produced. then perform these steps for folding that are comparable to the T-shirt fold:
- One shirt’s side should be folded in toward the center.
- Fold the sleeves once more after flipping them back halfway.
- Continue on the opposite side.
- Shape a rectangle by folding the shirt in half lengthwise.

It’s beneficial to fold both large and small towels in thirds. This method of folding towels saves space and makes them much simpler to stack. Just so you know, that is how most five-star hotels fold their towels.
- Bring the hems of a towel together while holding it lengthwise so that it is half its original length.
- Re-do the previous action.
- The towel should now be facing you lengthwise, with the hem (and any other decorative elements) facing down.
- As if you were folding a piece of paper in thirds, bring the edges of each side in toward the center one at a time.
- With the folded edges facing out, turn the towel over and set it on the shelf.
It might feel like overkill, but this super condensed way of folding jeans allows you to store ’em horizontally and pack more pants into each drawer.
- With the back pockets facing out, fold the pants in half and layer one leg on top of the other.
- Fold in half lengthwise, bringing the hem to just below the waist and forming a long rectangle
- Once more, fold the pants upwards, but this time cut them into thirds.
Short Socks
Any KonMari fan will tell you not to tuck one sock into the other after the pair is rolled into a ball—unless you like stretched-out socks. It is preferable to fold long socks into thirds by laying one flattened sock on top of the other and doing so as you would fold a letter.
On the other hand, short socks might not be long enough to fold in thirds. This illustration demonstrates how to fold socks like these without using the time-honored “sock-tucking trick.”
- One sock should be placed parallel to the other to form a T.
- Over the top of the top sock, fold the bottom sock’s right edge in.
- Do the same for the bottom sock’s left side.
- The top sock should be folded up so that it hangs over the top.
- Between the layers of the bottom sock’s folded layers, fold the overhanging portion of the sock.
Who the hell folds underwear, you might be asking.” consider this: It will be simpler to locate the pair of skivvies you want to wear if your underwear drawer is kept neatly organized. Even better, it saves precious drawer space.
Always begin with the underwear lying flat. For women’s underwear, fold in half by bringing either the right or left edge to the opposite edge. then fold in half, top to bottom, after repeating.
Bring one side of the men’s briefs to the center before folding in thirds the other side. Top to bottom, fold in half.